Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's been way too long!

Holy has been so long since I have updated this page and I apologize :( It is hard to carve time out to update this page when I am working and being a mommy. Let me try to be brief and give a quick update.
Sawyer is now 5.5 months old!! He is weighing about 18 lbs and is 27 inches long. He is 90th perc for length and 75th for weight. People think he is a horse and we agree!He has almost grown out of his car seat. Luckily we just got him his own throne for the car and will start using it when he turns 20 lbs.
He is rolling over both ways and is quite the wiggle worm. He LOVES to stand on us and loves anything that he can jump in and stand tall. He loves to laugh and giggle. Everyone comments on how happy he is. He has started eating cereal and will start on veggies and a sippy cup in about 2 weeks. He has two teeth and for some reason, people think that is an invitation to feed him real food? They always ask if they can give him a taste (even his own daddy)! Ok...we have a babysitter for the evening and are going out for V-Day. I hope to be on this site more and more!! Love you all!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

3 months! time flies! Mommy is back to work and missing Sawyer every minute!
Sawyer is getting to be such a big guy! He is continuing to roll over and keep his head up longer and higher. He is smiling, giggling and just started to squeal in delight. He loves to look at himself in the mirror and smile at himself. Daddy and Sawyer talk to each other all the time. Daddy will ask him a question and he seems to answer him. It is the cutest thing ever!

The little guy is pretty much sleeping through the night. He only gets up once (sometimes not even then) in the middle of the night and then usually before I leave for work then he sleeps until 10:30 or later. He is a sleeper like his mom and dad. We are enjoying him and all the advances he is making!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2 Month update

Sorry we haven't posted in a long time :( I hope we can accurately portray everything that has been happening this past month. As you can see, our little guy is turning over, trick or treating and getting special visits from family. Sawyer turned over the weekend that our family was here which was October 18th. We got a video of it on the 20th and he has been doing it on and off since. He had a doctors visit yesterday and has grown leaps and bounds. At his 1 month visit, he was 11.6 lbs and 22 inches. He is NOW 14 lbs. and 23.75 inches. He is in the 90th percentile for his length and 97th percentile for his weight! So basically, we have a horse on our hands. The doctors keep asking what we are feeding him and it is the same each time...only breast milk. He also had some shots this last time and wasn't very happy with the nurses.

Sawyer is making more eye contact, smiling and even giggling at times! He has some cooing sounds thrown in for good measure. He is starting to stand belly time more and when he doesn't like it, he'll let us know by talking to us. It isn't a cry just some unpleasant grunts and coos. He is getting to bed a little bit earlier and sleeping very well. We introduced him to the bottle at 8 weeks and he is learning each day how to work it. He is a very pleasant little guy and everyone tells us how strong he is. He is truly as blessing to us! We are enjoying each and every minute with our little guy!

Sawyer rolls over. What a big boy!

Trick-or Treat!

Some pics from Sawyers Grandma and Aunt's visit.

Monday, October 6, 2008

One Month Portraits

One month doctor's appointment

Sawyer had his one month appointment today and they said he is a horse!! He now weighs 11 lbs. 6 oz and is 22 inches long. He has really grown in three weeks! My mom's friends daughter had a baby three days before me and he only weighs 8'9! The little man has a hernia that is no big deal but we were a little worried as to why it was protruding. The doctor was really pleased with his growth and said he is an average little guy! He is sleeping better at nights and a very hearty eater! We got some really cute one month pictures taken by our friend Sarah. She did a great job and we will post some pictures very soon! Thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts. Our little one rocks!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Four weeks!

The little man is now four weeks old and will turn one month old tomorrow!! My how time flies when your having fun! He is doing really well and still getting over that cold he had last week. He had his first official photo shoot today with Sarah and Jon. We can't wait to see the results. He did well at the beginning of the shot but after the numerous clothing changes and positions, he kind of got grumpy and wanted to fall asleep. I am not surprised because he has not done so well sleeping this week. He has been up every two hours to eat and getting fussy after only 1.5 hours of sleep. He has been sleeping in the evenings which we are gonna have to put a stop to so he'll sleep at nights because mommy can't keep waking up after an hour or so of sleep. She's gonna have to put toothpicks in her eyes to keep her awake!
He is also getting to the point where he wants to be held by mommy and for everything. No one can tell me that an infant can't be spoiled because this kid is SPOILED with a capital S but it doesn't mean that mommy won't hold him at the drop of the hat! Well, the little one is hungry so I am gonna get off the computer!
Love to all,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

3 weeks old

Well, the little one is officially 3 weeks old and we can't believe it! Keep him in your prayers because he has a little cold and is sniffling, coughing, and sneezing. It breaks our hearts to hear him. It makes it difficult to sleep at night because he seems so distressed. Just pray that he'll heal quickly and eat enough to beat this wretched thing! He's also had some terrible gas that makes him wretch around and very uncomfortable. We have been doing everything we can to help him with it but nothing works at times. It is very hard as a parent to see your little one in pain and not be able to do anything for him. Hopefully next update will be better news. He is growing big and is getting some fat on his cheeks and arms. His next Doc's appt. is Oct 6th so we'll give everyone an update then. Here's to a great end of the week and healthy little children!

Love much,

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

2 weeks old and not a day older!

I cannot believe that I gave birth two weeks ago! Wow...time flies when you are having fun! Sawyer is doing really well. He is eating great, sleeping well (throughout the day anyways...some nights are debatable) and pooping even better! He is doing an outstanding job of being a baby! I give him an A+++ I told everyone he was superior and advanced and I believe that he is! Well speaking of the little one, he is getting extra fussy so I better get going to sooth this little one!
Love to all,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Week Birthday, Sawyer

Today at 3:09 am, our little man, Sawyer, turned one week old! When we woke up at 3:45 to eat, mommy wished him happy birthday! Today was also his first doctors visit. When he left the hospital, he was 6lbs. 9oz and he is now 7lbs. 9oz! He has gained one lb. in a week. You can tell he loves to eat!

Everything looked really well at the doctors. They asked lots of family history questions and did a quick check of his body and said that he looked "fabulous"! I think this visit wore him out because he has been sleeping since 3:00 and only woke up once at 5:30 to eat. Poor daddy hasn't seen his eyeballs since he has been home. Today was daddy's first day back to work and I think it was harder on mommy then daddy. I cried myself to sleep at 8:00 because I missed daddy! We have had sooo much fun this past week spending time as a family. Luckily Nana was here to help and even Mamaw came down and got to hold him as mommy got ready for the doctors visit.

All is well with out little one and we so cherish the prayers and well wishes from the family and our friends! Keep us in your prayers as we continue this journey of family!
Love to all,